Diagnostic Services
Each of our Hometown clinics offers on-site diagnostic testing. Equipped with on-site x-ray, EKG and lab facilities, we can quickly diagnose and treat a number of injuries and illnesses.

We offer same-day, on-site x-ray services at all of our locations. An X-ray can diagnose the following conditions including: Fractures, Dislocations, Lung Congestion & Pneumonia, and Kidney Stones


Hometown now offer on-site Molecular Lab services at all of our locations. Services include: UTI, STD, Wound and Respiratory testing. Results are available within 24-48 hours.
We offer confidential STI & STD testing and treatment on-site at our locations. Protecting your sexual health is as easy as talk, test, treat and we’re here to provide you with reliable, confidential care on your journey.